Online Safety
Maintain an open dialogue with your child.
Eltham Church of England Primary School is committed to promoting online safety; we work with the children to help develop their understanding of the risks and rewards of the online world. We also want to to ensure that our community is informed and supported in making the internet and technology as safe as possible for our children.
Children – are you online and are concerned?
We are here to help and give you advice, and you can make a report directly to us if something has happened online which has made you feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone you know in real life, or someone you have only ever met online. We take all reports seriously and we will do everything we can to keep you safe.
Parent Information and Support
There are a variety of organisations who can provide information and support for our families and children; for example the BBC has curated resources for different age groups.
London Grid for Learning (LgfL) have gathered extensive resources for parents covering a wide range of online issues at https://parentsafe.lgfl.net/
Finally, Childline has specific pages on online safety that both parents and children may find useful, https://www.childline.org.uk/info-advice/bullying-abuse-safety/online-mobile-safety/, in addition to a wide range of information and support in other areas.